Thursday, September 18, 2008

Two Right Wrists @ Starbucks - 09/18/08

Two Right Wrists @ Starbucks (click the link for more)
...Then when it was time for Starbucks to close, there were only me, Momo, the girl with wrist brace, her friend, and another man in the store. I went up to the girl and asked her what happened to her wrist, and she said she was in a car accident and her bone fractured. I told her that Jesus can heal her and I've seen many times when God heals a person right at the spot. She generously accepted the prayer offer and after I prayed for her, I told her how much Jesus loves her and cares about her. Her eyes were red. Her friend's actually been trying to bring her to Christ for a long time and he's very happy to see that I went up and told her all these. She's definitely touched by God's love and healing power, because all her pain has been GONE! She took the brace off and tested it too!! There were completely NO PAIN! ...
from Sarah Wang

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